The hail that pelted the earth
Melts into water
Providing fertility
When you are pelted by life
Keep breathing
When the test seems too hard
When failure is eminent or worse
Keep breathing
When your friends fight with you
And family betrays you
And you feel you have nowhere to turn
Keep breathing
This is but the bottom of a wheel, turning in mud to pull the cart.
As long as you keep breathing, keep pushing, the cart will eventually budge.
Though you may feel sore and scarred, eventually the storm will pass.
Though the circumstances are beyond your control
and threaten to drown you in their immensity...
You will make it through this.
Keep breathing.
Sometimes the problems can't be solved -
Only outlived.
Moment by moment.
Keep breathing.
Falling like hail leads to wisdom,
melting like hail leads to maturity,
and these things
which seem like only damage,
falling and melting,
actually sink into the roots of new growth,
leading to success.
Some soil can be so much better than it was
for all the melted ice,
even if at first it just looks like mud.
There's a richness to it.